Assault charges in Tennessee can range from misdemeanor assaults including domestic violence and family violence cases to felony aggravated assault with deadly weapons charges that could carry sentences of up to life in prison.
In Tennessee Domestic Violence charges can happen to anyone and all it takes is one phone call to the police for someone to get arrested on assault charges. Assault charges can range from misdemeanor assaults including domestic violence and family violence cases to felony aggravated assault with deadly weapons charges that could carry sentences of up to twenty years in prison; because of this it’s very important that you hire experienced Tennessee Criminal Defense Attorneys that know how to correctly handle assault charges.
At times, assault charges happen because tempers got the best of each other and the police were called, but later the alleged victim may not want the case prosecuted. To get the help you need call Dunham & Jones today at 615-999-9999 to schedule your free confidential consultation to discuss your Assault / Domestic Violence case at length and understand what your options are.